Our Services


We help you reach more of the addressable candidate market, including well-qualified candidates that aren’t actively job seeking.


We make your message appeal to the right candidates, motivating more of them to apply for your jobs.


We save your management's time, by reducing time spent interviewing candidates who are not a fit for your company.


We offer interview coaching for your management and recruiting team, to make interviews more productive.


We offer market insight to help you make competitive offers that are more likely to be accepted by the number of candidates you need.


We enhance your onboarding operation's efficiency, as well as the new-hire experience.

ITA Consulting Group

Our Value Add

Whether you’re a single corporation, holding company or a private equity group with a portfolio of companies, building value is paramount.  

We add value by building measurable, immediate and lasting improvement into internal talent acquisition operations.  Our contribution enables companies to achieve greater ongoing success in attracting, hiring and keeping well-qualified people to support current and future operations.

ITA Consulting Group

Our Process


We begin by auditing your current talent acquisition operations and results, listening carefully to your executives, hiring managers, and recruiting and onboarding teams as they describe their challenges and frustrations. We watch your operation in action, noting what is and isn’t working well.


We formulate a road map for transforming your talent acquisition operation into an efficient machine that fully supports your company’s ongoing people resourcing needs.

Our recommendations may include improvements to your technology stack, vendor services, digital advertising and social media spend and targeting, compensation plans, job posting venues and content, pre-screening and interviewing methods, and onboarding processes.


We help you implement recommended improvements, guiding and supporting your team through every step, and helping you measure results.

We’re not satisfied until you have a significantly improved and sustainable internal talent acquisition operation, capable of supporting your company’s growth and profitability well into the future.

Contact us to start your journey toward talent acquisition excellence.